Thursday, December 25, 2014

All We Wants for Christmas

Merry Christmas, Precious! Our present for it is we sings a song!


  1. I hope you got what you wanted for Christmas, Smeagol.

  2. Hi there! I really like your blog! Will you continue it? I would like to hear what you will think of the new Star Wars that your buddy, Andy Serkis, is in! Have a nice day! P.S. I hope that you will pardon my last name... ;)

    1. We are very happy to see him, yes we are precious! Our friend Andy Serkis tells us it is very good, but we shall see.
      More Bagginses?? Why us, precious, why us...

    2. ((Thanks so much! I never really decided either way, just got a bit burned out and my muse left me (*glares at Gollum*). Good point with Star Wars though, I'll see how it goes and if I get some inspiration. :) But really, thanks for commenting!))

  3. Hello, Gollum, my precious! I have brought you a tag for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! (I am aware you are not a sister of the world, but Gollums are also allowed in the club). If you want to do the tag, the questions are on my blog:

    1. Precious is allowed? That is very nice, precious. Perhaps it is nice, even if it's name is about elf bread.

      ((your parenthetical comment really made me laugh - thank you! ~Arda))


Yes, leave us a comment precious! We doesn't bite! Smeagol wouldn't hurt a fly!